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Girl Child development

A girl in India begins her struggle for survival in the womb. According to a report from the ministry of woman and child Development, of 12 million girls born in India each year, one third die in the first year of their life. An astonishing 25 % do not survive to see their 15th birthday. Gender discrimination affects ever food & nutrition intake of girls. Sree Sai Krupa Charitable Trust® work to empower girl children in need, Providing them with the secure environment and skills to become independent, confident individuals.

Women’s Empowerment:-
A yawning gender gap continues to hold back nearly half of India. Woman still constitute some of the most vulnerable and disenfranchised members of society, with many trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and exploitation. Sree Sai Krupa Charitable Trust® aims to empower woman in need, such as widows, those abandoned by their families etc and help them rebuild their lives. Women’s Empowerment, we are inspired by women who rise above immense barriers to lift themselves and their children out of homelessness. Drawing on the tools, training, and newfound hope they gain through our program and community, these women are changing the trajectory of their lives

Senior citizen case

Many elders are not taken care by their families. Now a days, many of them are sent out where most of them join old age homes. They only require a place, where they can be taken care of with loads of love. The place is of course like home where the inmates get all the facilities for a routine living, like food, clothing, and shelter. All these necessities are well looked after but, the much-needed love, and care of loved ones is of course sadly missing; for, how can outsiders provide solace? It is very interesting and even touching to talk to people whether they are men or women.

A growing population of elderly has brought to the fore front their concerns & needs. We run homes for senior citizens, so that they may live in comfort & peace in the final years of their lives. A total of 35 senior citizens are currently benefiting from the program. Dedicated team of 12 workers to provide for the needs of the elderly. A part time doctor & nurse are responsible for their health, with any serious cases, being referred to a local hospital. We have accommodated 35 senior citizens and their total expenses per year is
  • Stay and medical expenses per old age = 37500/- per year
  • For 10 old age per year =375000/-
  • For 35 old age per year = 1312500/-
  • (Including Medical expenses, food, stay, clothing, doctor facility etc)
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